United Circles is a four-year project from 2024 to 2028 funded by the European Commission under the Horizon Europe Programme. The main objective of the project is to maximise efficiency in the use of material and energy resources to move towards more circular urban-industry ecosystems. United Circles will work with three value chains: construction and demolition waste, urban and industrial wastewater, and food waste.
The role of Ecolocus Urban Innovations Lab in the United Circles project focuses on developing frameworks for social and environmental monitoring and engaging communities in participatory environmental practices.
Ecolocus contributions will be particularly aimed at facilitating the socio-environmental systems within Hubs 4 Circularity (H4C) to promote social change alongside technical advancements in industrial-urban symbiosis (IUS) networks.
DivAirCity is a 4-year project from 2021 to 2025 funded by the European Commission under the H2020 programme, within the scope of the Sustainable Development Goals, valuing diversity and social inclusion to achieve an innovative, creative, culture-driven, green and carbon-neutral urban society. The project involves 5 EU cities representing replicable case studies: Orvieto (IT), Castellon (SP), Potsdam (D), Aarhus (DK) and Bucharest (RO). The project involves 26 partners and 68 external stakeholders from all five continents.
EcoLocus team members participated in the project through our sister company EcoWise. EcoWise contributes to co-developing new human-inclusive urban data frameworks. Working closely with cities, our team helped define a tailored, adaptable framework including Key Performance Indicators to make assessments related to the human-centred, inclusive Nature Based solution interventions in each city. The main target of the project is to improve air quality of cities and health of citizens wıth a focus on equity and sense of community.
More information about the project is available at: https://divaircity.eu
Healthy Homes, Healthy Lives (HHHL) Project focusses on older homeowners living in homes in disrepair wanting to ‘stay put’ in an age-friendly home, living longer healthier, happier lives. HHHL offers a diverse group of older low-income homeowners access to home improvements, retrofit, renewables adaptations, energy monitoring, in-home smart technology, increased confidence and self-esteem, more connection with families, friends, and community, better financial security through increased value of the home, all hitherto out of their reach.
The project is led by the London Rebuilding Society (https://londonrebuilding.com/society/) and funded by Innovate UK. Team members from EcoLocus were in charge of developing the platform enabling the pilot cases within the project.
SHELTER is an EU-funded project, that aims at developing a data-driven and community-based resilience improvement of historic areas. EcoLocus team members (under our other sister company Ekodenge this time) have developed agent based modelling capabilities to simulate the responses of citizens to natural hazards including heatwaves and floods, so as to provide recommendations to cities and regions to mitigate the impact of disasters and make cities more resilient. The team members also contributed to the research on vernacular archıtecture and buıldıng resılıence techniques to develop site-specific resilience framework for the changing climatic conditions.
More information is available at: https://shelter-project.com/
METABUILDING LABS is a five-year Horizon 2020 EU-funded Innovation project under grant agreement 953193 whose main intention is to contribute to reach the Paris Climate Agreement (COP21) goal of “nearly-zero energy, zero emission buildings”.
A large consortium of 40 partners from 13 European countries have joined forces to provide European small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) from the construction sector access to Open Innovation Testbeds (OITB) as part of a wider innovation support ecosystem, allowing them to develop and test innovative envelope solutions for next generation buildings.
EcoLocus team members lead the development of the MBLabs platform digital services. This work entails the development and delivery of the MBLabs platform from the definition of user requirements, through to the development and integration of services in the platform, while testing services to assure high performance of the platform. The team is also responsible for the data management, data security and application and verification of GPDR compliance.
More information is available at: https://metabuilding-labs.eu/